Alex's Soothing Facial Cream

Sound the trumpets and roll out the red carpet! My darling daughter has made a royal request. Last night, she asked if I could whip up a moisturizing cream for her pal Alex who's been battling dry skin, blemishes and recent acne scarring. Now, as a mother, there's nothing that warms my heart more than when my teenager recognizes the magic of my homemade skincare potions. Oh, and let's not forget, she's also subtly racking up those brownie points for that shiny new car she's been eyeing for next year! 

So, with my skincare wand in hand, I set out to create an ounce or so of this magical cream for Alex to sample. Who knows, he might just find it to be the skincare fairy godmother he's been waiting for!

For the oil phase, I decided to take a trip down my own garden path by adding my homemade, love-infused Calendula oil. I then threw in a dash of Rosehip Seed Oil, a sprinkle of Argan Oil, and a smidgen of Tamanu Oil. Each of these oils is like a soothing balm for dry skin and scars, a perfect blend to give Alex's skin some much-needed TLC.

For the water phase, it was a no-brainer - Calendula Hydrosol, a real champion when it comes to calming skin irritations. Then, to ensure the oil and water phase don't part ways like star-crossed lovers, I added Emulsifying Wax. This vegetable-based wax, also known as E-Wax, is a peacekeeper, creating a bond between the two phases.

I also managed to squeeze in 1000 mg of Non-GMO Soy Lecithin from a capsule. And, no skincare potion is complete without a dash of essential oils. So, I added a 5% blend of Helichrysum, Lavender, Moroccan Blue Chamomile, and Sage. Each one is a superstar for skin regeneration benefits. So, Alex, get ready for a skin transformation that might just outshine that new car!

Alex's Soothing Facial Cream
15 ml of Calendula infused oil (**Click here to learn how to make it)
1.5 ml Argan Oil
1.5 ml Tamanu Oil
1 ml Rosehip Seed Oil
4 grams Emulsifying Wax
1 gram Stearic Acid
1 gram Soy Lecithin (squeezing from a 1000 mg gel cap is easiest)
14 ml Calendula Hydrosol
10 drops Helichrysum Essential Oil
5 drops Moroccan Blue Chamomile Essential Oil
5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Sage Essential Oil
10 drops Vitamin E

In a glass measuring cup set in a double boiler of simmering water, add in the calendula oil, Argan oil, tamanu oil, rosehip seed oil, E-wax, stearic acid and soy lecithin. Allow to melt and come to 150F and hold for 5 minutes then remove from heat.  Allow oil mixture to cool in a small mixing bowl to 130 degrees. Gently warm the hydrosol to 130 degrees.   Once the oil mixture is cooled, use a hand-held blender to mix the hydrosol  into the oil/wax mixture.

When making small batches of skin cream, I use a single beater of a hand mixer to combine ingredients. 

Once your cream is nice and fluffy, it is time to add in the essential oils and vitamin E.  Be aware that when using Moroccan Blue Chamomile, it has the most chamazulene of all the oils and will turn your product a bit blue (or in my case a bit green due to the yellowness from the calendula oil). It is all good and will not turn your skin blue when using small diluted amounts.  Mix in your essential oils and vitamin E oil and transfer to a small container.

You will note that I did not add any preservatives to my recipe. You will note that on my product label I recommend the cream be stored in the fridge and used within 30 days.  I also suggested on the label that a clean stick be used to retrieve the cream.  I certainly hope that Alex will enjoy this custom formulated cream.

Make sure you label the product and include a use by date and how to store it.  

This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way. This information is for educational purposes only and may not be complete, nor may its data be accurate.As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier. I am an affiliate with Mountain Rose Herbs.