Ultra Shy Violet Pressed Shadow
Photo Credit: HERE |
Wear a dust mask!!! You will need 0.5 grams of Ultimate Pressed Eyeshadow Base or TKB Pressing Base. My tutorial can be found HERE.
You need 0.25 grams TKB Pearl Violet mineral pigment. Find it HERE.
You need 0.80 grams of TKB Indigo Shift mineral pigment. Find it HERE.
You also need 0.20 grams of TKB Pearl White mineral pigment. Find it HERE.
Place all three pigments and the pressing base into a small plastic baggie. Seal up the bag and massage it gently to evenly blend the powders.
Mica powders are very easy to blend into the base.
Pour the blended powders into a small mixing container.
The blended powder is a very soft and shimmery lilac color.
You will need 30 drops (1 ml) of 190 Proof grain alcohol and 30 drops (1 ml) of Squalane Olive Oil. You can substitute 91% rubbing alcohol if you need too. You can also substitute clear jojoba oil in place of the squalane olive oil.
I used small pipettes for the oil and vodka. I also used the TKB mini eyeshadow tin and compact and the pressing gadget (looks like a fancy cabinet pull). You can find all of these items HERE.
Add the alcohol and oil, drop by drop, over the top of the powder. Mix the powder until it resembles moist sand.
This appearance means it is the perfect consistency to press.
Using about half of the mixture, fill the eyeshadow pan and smooth out.
Place a piece of ribbon or paper towel over the eyeshadow pan.
Place the pressing disc over the ribbon.
Place the tamping tool over the pressing disc and apply even pressure with your hand to press the powder firmly into the pan.
Your eyeshadow will look like this. Notice the texture from the ribbon.
Add the remainder of the powder into the metal pan. Place the ribbon back on top, place the clear disc over the ribbon and place the tamping tool over the disc. Press again with firm and even pressure.
You should have a nicely packed eyeshadow that is ready to be placed into the compact.
You can apply a few drops of glue to the bottom of the compact and place the shadow pan in to secure it.
Here it swatched on my arm in natural light.
Ok, lets talk about germs and yucky stuff that can grow in your DIY Pressed eyeshadow. You really should include a preservative in your formula. I don't like preservatives that contain any parabens! I do really like one called Leucidal® Liquid PT (you can purchase it HERE). According to Lotion Crafter (where I buy this product), this particular product can be used for powder products. Here is some more information from LotionCrafter.com.......
Leucidal Liquid PT is a probiotic-based ingredient created by the fermentation of Lactobacillus in a defined growth medium and at specific conditions. Lactobacillus is one of the species of microorganisms used to produce fermented products such as sauerkraut and kimchi, a Korean diatary staple from cabbage. During the fermentation process, in the presence of both standard growth media components and undecylenic acid derived from castor beans, the pH and oxygen levels for Lactobacillus are pushed to their limits to induce the production of secondary metabolites as a response to stress. These synergistically active compounds are capable of providing conditioning benefits. An additional growth characteristic of the lactic acid bacteria family is the production of novel antimicrobial peptides. In their natural environment, these antimicrobial peptides provide a competitive advantage to the lactic acid bacteria against other potentially competitive organisms.
Choose a preservative you are comfortable using and follow the recommended useage amounts and guidelines. Non-preserved eyeshadow can grow mold and fungus and you don't want that anywhere near your precious eyes.
Shannon Buck